Recipe: Yummy Angel food cake with Meyer lemon sabayon sauce

Angel food cake with Meyer lemon sabayon sauce. Adding preserved lemon juice to lemon curd is the brilliant brainchild of Samantha Kincaid, the pastry chef of the restaurant High Street on Hudson It adds a In this recipe, the curd is lightened with a little whipped cream and used to frost and fill a lemon-flavored angel food cake. Learn how to make Molasses Angel Food Cake With Lemon Sauce. Loosen cake from sides of pan.

I already knew what I wanted to make with my fancy new bundt pan. I'd come across a bunch of recipes lately using Meyer lemons. It's absolutely gorgeous and the cake looks incredible, especially with that glaze. You can have Angel food cake with Meyer lemon sabayon sauce using 7 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Angel food cake with Meyer lemon sabayon sauce

  1. It’s 1 cup of Cake flour.
  2. You need 1 1/2 cup of Sugar.
  3. It’s 1/2 tsp of Salt.
  4. You need 1 1/2 cup of Free range egg whites about 12 large eggs at room temperature.
  5. Prepare 1 tsp of Cream of tartar.
  6. Prepare 2 tbsp of Meyer lemon juice.
  7. Prepare 1/3 cup of Meyer lemon zest.

All the US food bloggers have been baking with meyer. This American cake is incredibly light as it's made with whisked egg whites and no fat. Mary Berry decorates her version with homemade Mary Berry decorates her version with homemade lemon curd and passion fruit seeds. Citrusy, rich, buttery pound cake glazed with lemony sugar!

Angel food cake with Meyer lemon sabayon sauce instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F Fahrenheit.
  2. Sift flour then measure and place in a bowl.
  3. Add 1 half cup sugar and salt to flour and sift twice more set aside.
  4. Beat egg whites in a large clean bowl when whites are foamy add cream of tartar and 1 tablespoon lemon juice.
  5. When bubbles are uniform add remaining cup of sugar a few tablespoons at a time.
  6. Beat whites until they form stiff peaks when you lift the beaters a peek will form and hold sugar must be dissolved.
  7. Fold in flour with rubber spatula use down the side and up through the batter motion do not over mix.
  8. Fold in lemon zest and remaining Meyer lemon juice.
  9. When myxter thoroughly combined turn into very clean Greece free 10 inch tube pan.
  10. Bake 50 minutes.
  11. Test for done nest by pressing lightly in center of cake if it spring back cake is done.
  12. Remove from oven invert pan until cake is cool. the cake must be raised an inch or more about the counter during cooling may invert cake over a wine type.
  13. When cool remove cake by running a serrated knife around edge of pan serve sliced pieces with Meyer lemons subway on garnish with shaved chocolate.

I am so glad that I am back in Penang, that means I can hangout with my girlfriends CP Choong (also my baking guru on Rasa Malaysia) and Craft Passion. Our Meyer lemon tree is loaded with fruit these days. When I saw Ina Garten's recipe for a mocha chocolate icebox cake in her "How Easy Is That?" cookbook, I immediately I added limoncello, lemon zest and juice. Trader Joe's sells small Meyer lemon cookie wafers that worked for the cookie base. Puréed whole lemons, cooked first to soften them, give this almond-flecked Meyer lemon zest, rubbed under the chicken's skin and inside its cavity, perfumes the bird as it Poached Shrimp with Meyer Lemon Ginger Sauce.