Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Chocolate Swiss rolls

Chocolate Swiss rolls.

Chocolate Swiss rolls You can cook Chocolate Swiss rolls using 5 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Chocolate Swiss rolls

  1. Prepare 3 tbsp of Chocolate sauce or cocoa powder to make perfect colour.
  2. Prepare 1pkt of biscuits Marie.
  3. Prepare 4 tbs of Milkmaid.
  4. It’s 1 tbs of Coconut powder.
  5. Prepare as needed of Ghee for greasing hands.

Chocolate Swiss rolls instructions

  1. Powder the biscuits in a mixy and divided into two parts one for chocolate layer and other for natural colour layer with milkmaid.
  2. Now take a bowl and take half biscuits powder add chocolate sauce if you are using coco powder then add milkmaid for sweetness make a dough and keep aside.
  3. Now take other part of biscuits add milkmaid and dry coconut powder make a soft dough.
  4. Now grease the rolling board and rolling pin take chocolate dough and roll like a thick chapatti.
  5. And keep another dough on chocolate rolled and roll it like same.
  6. Now roll carefully in a log shape and place the roll in a foil paper and set the roll shape.
  7. Now keep it in the fridge for half and hour.
  8. Now cut in to 1 inch thick round shape and serve and enjoy this sweet on any occasion or Diwali.