How to Cook Appetizing Adzuki Cream Filled Matcha Swiss Roll

Adzuki Cream Filled Matcha Swiss Roll.

Adzuki Cream Filled Matcha Swiss Roll You can cook Adzuki Cream Filled Matcha Swiss Roll using 9 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Adzuki Cream Filled Matcha Swiss Roll

  1. Prepare of Sponge cake.
  2. You need 60 grams of Cake flour.
  3. You need 20 grams of Cornstarch.
  4. It’s 4 large of Egg.
  5. It’s 70 grams of Sugar.
  6. You need 1 tbsp of Matcha.
  7. You need of Adzuki Cream.
  8. Prepare 200 ml of Heavy cream.
  9. It’s 150 grams of Anko (store-bought).

Adzuki Cream Filled Matcha Swiss Roll instructions

  1. Whisk the egg whites together to form a meringue..
  2. In a separate bowl, add the sugar and egg yolks and suspend over a pan of boiling water. When the sugar has blended, sift in the cake flour, cornstarch, and matcha and mix well..
  3. Add the meringue into the egg yolk mixture in 3 batches, mixing well until the mixture becomes smooth..
  4. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and pour the mixture in. Drop the pan onto the work surface lightly to get rid of any excess air bubbles. Bake for approx. 10 min in an oven preheated to 180℃..
  5. Once baked, wrap tightly with cling film. Once chilled, peel the cling film carefully to remove the browned surface..
  6. Whip the cream until stiff peaks form and mix in the sweet bean paste well to create the adzuki filling..
  7. Place the sponge onto a large sheet of parchment paper and evenly spread the cream. On the side that is closest to you, make a mound of cream. This will form the center of the cake..
  8. Roll gently away from you, wrap with cling film and place in the refrigerator to chill. It's done..
  9. Fluffy Strawberry Cream Swiss Roll.
  10. Double Chocolate Cream Swiss Roll