Recipe: Yummy banana split ice cream cake

banana split ice cream cake. For this ice cream cake recipe, you'll need a spot big enough to park a springform pan that's filled to the brim. Scrape into pan over cookie crumble and smooth top (it may come up over the edge of. Every time they visit, my children and grandkids request this fantastic frozen dessert.

There are a few different ready-made varieties available for purchase, but this version made by Turkey Hill really appealed to me. Not only is it Neapolitan, it has nuts and bananas speckled throughout. Learn how to make a Banana Split Ice Cream Cake with my Best-Ever Banana Bread recipe and my Homemade No Machine Ice Cream! You can cook banana split ice cream cake using 10 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of banana split ice cream cake

  1. It’s 3 medium of bananas.
  2. You need 1 jar of of hot fudge.
  3. Prepare 2 box of neopolitian ice cream sandwiches.
  4. It’s 1 jar of of pineapple topping.
  5. Prepare 1 jar of of strawberry topping.
  6. You need 1 jar of of cherries.
  7. It’s 1 can of whipped cream.
  8. Prepare 1/2 cup of mixed chopped nuts.
  9. Prepare 1/2 cup of rainbow sprinkles.
  10. It’s 1 of 9×13 glass pan.

To assemble the ice cream cake: Slice the cold banana bread in the middle. Place the bottom layers on the baking paper back into the tin you baked it in. This cake is no ordinary banana split… it's a banana split on some serious, serious steroids. You didn't know that bananas can make If you freeze a banana until solid, then whiz it up in a blender or food processor, it gets creamy and a little gooey, just like custard ice cream.

banana split ice cream cake instructions

  1. Line the bottom of the pan with 1 box of the ice cream sandwiches to fill the whole pan up..
  2. Heat up fudge as directed on jar (this makes it easier to get out of jar and spread on) then spread the hot fudge across the ice cream sandwiches..
  3. Slice up bananas into small circles and distribute them evenly over the hot fudge covered ice cream sandwiches..
  4. Take the 2nd box of ice cream sandwiches and put them the sameway you did to the bottom of the pan over the hot fudge and bananas..
  5. Then pour the jar of pineapple topping and spread evenly over the 2nd layer of icecream sandwiches..
  6. Spread strawberry topping evenly over pineapple topping..
  7. Cover the top with the can of whip cream. (should take the whole can).
  8. Top with cherries nuts and sprinkles..

This Banana Split Ice Cream Loaf Cake is really terrific. It's so cute but also easy to put together, making it great for an occasion or even for the average day when you want an occasional ice cream snack or dessert. It's light and so easy to eat and even easier to share. There's nothing the hubs and I. Sure, you could eat a banana split in the usual way.