How to Prepare Tasty Victoria Sponge Cake

Victoria Sponge Cake.

Victoria Sponge Cake You can cook Victoria Sponge Cake using 12 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Victoria Sponge Cake

  1. Prepare of For the Cake.
  2. It’s 6 oz of Self Raising Flour, sifted.
  3. Prepare 6 oz of Caster Sugar.
  4. You need 6 oz of Unsalted Butter, room temperature.
  5. You need 3 of Eggs.
  6. Prepare 1 tsp of Baking Powder.
  7. You need 1 tsp of Vanilla Essence.
  8. Prepare of For the Buttercream.
  9. It’s 3 oz of Unsalted Butter, room temperature.
  10. It’s 6 oz of Icing Sugar, sifted.
  11. Prepare of For Serving.
  12. It’s of Enough strawberries halved to cover the cake and for decorating.

Victoria Sponge Cake instructions

  1. Sift the flour, baking powder and caster sugar together into a mixing bowl. Add the butter and eggs. Mix everything together until well combined..
  2. For a Victoria Sponge or vanilla cake add the vanilla essence and combine with the cake mixture..
  3. Spilt the cake mixture between two greased and lined circular cake baking trays (about 8 inches in diameter). Bake at 180C for 30 minutes or until the sponge bounces back and a skewer in the cake comes out clean..
  4. Set the cake aside to cool and meanwhile make the buttercream by combining the butter and icing sugar. I often find a table spoon of milk helps to begin the icing sugar and butter mixing..
  5. Beat the buttercream until light and fluffy with all the ingredients combined. (To make a different flavour buttercream add flavourings after making the basic mix.).
  6. Slice the strawberries. Once the cake is cool spread half the buttercream on the top of one cake half. Then layer the strawberries so they cover the buttercream. Then sandwich the buttercream and strawberries between the cake halves. Spread the remaining half of the buttercream on top of the cake and decorate with strawberries..
  7. For different flavour cakes and buttercream: add different flavourings after making the basic cake mix and combining and the same for buttercream. Add the flavourings after making the basic buttercream and combine..
  8. For a lemon and poppy seed cake. Add the zest and juice of 3/4 of a lemon and about 50g poppy seeds. Make a lemon buttercream by adding the remaining zest and juice to a basic buttercream..
  9. For a chocolate cake add 2 tablespoons of coca powder to the basic cake mix and the basic buttercream..
  10. For coffee and walnut cake make an espresso and add to the basic cake mix. I also add chopped walnuts to mine and mix the ingredients well. To make a coffee buttercream add an expresso to the basic buttercream, you might find you need to add some extra icing sugar to soak up the expresso. This is fine and will not change the taste..