How to Cook Delicious Red Sponge Tea Cake

Red Sponge Tea Cake.

Red Sponge Tea Cake You can cook Red Sponge Tea Cake using 6 ingredients and 28 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Red Sponge Tea Cake

  1. It’s 200 g of Flour.
  2. Prepare 150 g of Margarine.
  3. You need 150 g of Caster Sugar.
  4. Prepare 2 of Eggs.
  5. Prepare 10 ml of Vanilla Essence.
  6. It’s 15 g of Baking Powder.

Red Sponge Tea Cake step by step

  1. Assemble all the required ingredients.
  2. Weigh the ingredients appropriately.
  3. Sieve the flour at least thrice.
  4. The more the flour is sieved the more air is greatly trapped, thus a quality cake.
  5. Sieve the baking powder into the bowl Containing the flour.
  6. In a separate bowl,whisk the eggs add the essence gradually..
  7. The egg mixture should double in quantity.
  8. Set the margarine and caster sugar into a bowl.
  9. The ingredients are all now ready for mixing.
  10. Carefully grease the baking tin of your choice and remember to preheat the oven at 180°.
  11. Mix in the margarine and the sugar carefully using a wooden stick,until pale and fluffy.
  12. Add a little amount of the egg mixture to the fluffy butter mixture.
  13. Mix carefully,maintaining the direction of mixing.
  14. This is to basically enhance the trapping of the air into the cake mixture.
  15. Add in the flour mixture as you alternate with the egg mixture until the consistency of the batter is smooth.
  16. Finally add in the red food colouring in relation to your colour desire.
  17. Turn the red,smooth cake batter into the greased baking tin.
  18. Tap the the baking tin firmly to level the batter.
  19. Bake the batter into the preheated oven @ 180° for 35 – 40 minutes.
  20. After 35 minutes,check if its fully baked using a skewer.
  21. The skewer should come out dry.
  22. Let the cake to cool.
  23. Carefully cut the cake into two.
  24. Fill the centre with egg – yellow colour whipped cream.
  25. Cover with the top side rightly.
  26. Carefully portion into desired sizes.
  27. Serve as your tea – snack.
  28. Enjoy your breakfast..