Recipe: Yummy Butterscotch rajbhog ice-cream chocolate cake

Butterscotch rajbhog ice-cream chocolate cake. This cake can be made ahead. A moist cake is covered with rich butterscotch ice cream topping, whipped topping and crushed candy bars.—Shelley McKinney, New Castle, Indiana. Chocolate Ice-Cream Base । Butterscotch Ice Cream Recipe with step by step pics.

Butterscotch rajbhog ice-cream chocolate cake Alternatively, chocolate chips or grated chocolate or candied fruits or even tutti frutti can be sprinkled from top if. This Butterscotch Cake is a moist, from-scratch brown sugar cake topped with butterscotch buttercream made with melted butterscotch chips! With homemade chocolate wafer cookies and a maple-laced butterscotch whipped cream, this recipe takes icebox cake to a more sophisticated level without sacrificing any of its lusciousness You can build the cookies and cream Chocolate-Butterscotch Icebox Cake. You can cook Butterscotch rajbhog ice-cream chocolate cake using 17 ingredients and 22 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Butterscotch rajbhog ice-cream chocolate cake

  1. Prepare 250 gm of all purpose flour.
  2. It’s 1 tsp of salt.
  3. You need 100 gm of butter.
  4. It’s 1 tsp of baking soda.
  5. You need 1 tsp of baking powder.
  6. It’s 1 glass of milk.
  7. You need 1 small cup of milk powder.
  8. It’s 1 small cup of cocoa powder.
  9. You need 3-4 tsp of choco chips.
  10. Prepare 1 cup of sugar.
  11. It’s of For ice cream.
  12. It’s 250 ml of whipping cream.
  13. You need 1/2 cup of butterscotch crunches.
  14. You need 8-10 of saffron strands.
  15. You need as needed of Butterscotch essence.
  16. You need 1 glass of milk.
  17. You need 1 small cup of custard powder.

Combine cake mix, chocolate pudding mix, hot water, vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla. While cake is still warm right out. Turns out, butterscotch ice cream is amazing, amazing enough that I had to make more the following week. A recipe I found online from an old Sunset Magazine brought intentional butterscotch ice cream to our kitchen at last, the unquestionably best thing that could have come out of weeks of.

Butterscotch rajbhog ice-cream chocolate cake instructions

  1. Take a bowl,whisker, butter and whisk the butter..
  2. Butter melts nycly then add sugar and beat well till turns milky white..
  3. Milk powder, baking soda,and salt.
  4. Baking powder, coco powder now mix well.
  5. Half all purpose flour, mix and add milk.
  6. Add leftover flour mix it and then choco chips.
  7. Whisk it well,it becomes take a cake bowl spread butter paper,now pour all the cake mixture on it..
  8. Tap it and put in the cake is ready.
  9. Let it be cool after cooling remove the cake and butter paper, soft and spongy cake is ready..
  10. Cut the cake half from center using big knife..
  11. Making custard take a glass of milk and put on the gas flame on medium..
  12. Take custard powder and add in a hot milk and stir it continuously.
  13. Custard is ready.
  14. For preparation of icecream. One bowl,and chilled whipping cream..
  15. Start whisking the cream then add custard solution.
  16. Mix it very well it becomes thick.
  17. Butterscotch essence, butterscotch crunches and saffron.
  18. Mix well,batter becomes thick now transfer into glass container or a bowl and add more crunches.
  19. Cover it with aluminum foil and put in the freezer.after 4 hrs.take out the icecream.
  20. Cut the cake into long pieces.
  21. Take cake in dish plate and add one layer of icecream.
  22. Again one layer of cake, now garnish it with chocolate sauce and colored sugar balls..

This chocolate butterscotch cake recipe makes for a simple celebration cake and birthday cake. For the butterscotch cream, melt the caster sugar in a small saucepan until it starts to caramelise, then leave a little longer until it starts to turn a ruby red colour.. Pour butterscotch topping over cake; cold completely. Butterscotch crunch ice cream is very popular in India however we do not get it here. The butterscotch flavor in India is different from the butterscotch flavor in US.