Recipe: Perfect Graduation cum birthday cake

Graduation cum birthday cake. A cake celebrating a South Carolina teen's high school graduation turned into a not-so-sweet surprise when a Publix supermarket censored the inscription "It was unbelievable. I ordered the special graduation edition cake. I can't believe I'm the first one to ever write 'Summa Cum Laude' on a cake.

Graduation cum birthday cake Doctor graduation retirement birthday cake suit shirt white coat and tie with stethoscope. Graduation Cake. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Graduation/birthday Cake A cake for a friend of mine who graduated on the day of her birthday. You can cook Graduation cum birthday cake using 8 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Graduation cum birthday cake

  1. Prepare 600 g of self raising flour.
  2. It’s 450 g of margarine.
  3. You need 250 g of granulated sugar.
  4. You need 7 of eggs.
  5. You need 1 tsp of vanilla essence.
  6. You need of Rind of 2 lemons.
  7. Prepare 1 1/2 packets of icing sugar.
  8. You need of Pink & green food colours.

So I made a cake for both of those occasions. When you purchase a digital subscription to Cake Central Magazine, you will get an instant and automatic download of the most recent issue. This graduation cake topper will be the perfect touch to your party decorations! A personalized cake topper will take any cake from pretty to an showstopper.

Graduation cum birthday cake step by step

  1. Sieve all dry ingredients together.
  2. Cream margarine and sugar til white and fluffy..
  3. Break the egg each at a time and add into creamed mixture a little at a time.
  4. Fold in the flour,add the rind of lemon and vanilla essence..
  5. Add liquid and mix into a dropping constitency.
  6. Put into a tin (shape of choice) and bake in a pre heated oven at 120-160 degrees for 1 hour 20 minutes..
  7. Remove from oven and cool..
  8. Ice with 1 1/2 packets icing.(1 packet plastic icing, 1/2 packet royal icing)..

Whether its homemade or bakery bought it will look amazing ! THE DETAILS *The back is white *Designed for one name *Handmade from high. Place cake on a serving platter. Trusted adult birthday cake recipes from Betty Crocker. Find easy to make recipes and browse photos, reviews, tips and more.