Recipe: Appetizing Mini naked cake

Mini naked cake. Mini Naked Cakes by @cake_me_pretty #Bridesjournal #theoriginalbridesjournal. Perfect Pink, Diy Cake, Mini Cakes, Party Recipes, Cookies, Baking, Sweet, Desserts, Naked. Make your mum feel special this Mother's Day with these Naked Mini Cakes.

Mini naked cake Naked Chocolate Cake Recipe breakdown: The cake: The recipe is pretty straight-forward. So guys, make someone happy by making these mini naked chocolate cake hearts this Valentine's Day! Delicious naked cake recipes that are easy to make. You can cook Mini naked cake using 11 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Mini naked cake

  1. Prepare of Pound cake.
  2. You need 250g of butter.
  3. It’s 250g of castor sugar.
  4. Prepare 250g of whole eggs.
  5. You need 250g of self-raising flour.
  6. It’s of vanilla essence.
  7. Prepare of green colour Buttercream.
  8. Prepare 100g of icing sugar,.
  9. You need 50g of butter,.
  10. It’s of vanilla essence.
  11. It’s 1tbsp of milk.

Naked cakes recently became trendy when bakers realized that the real beauty of a cake was in the ingredients themselves. Treat guests to these scrumptious mini naked cakes that almost look too good to eat. Bake your favorite cake mix, following the instructions on the box. I am clearly doing something wrong and it is highly frustrating.

Mini naked cake step by step

  1. Add sugar and butter in mixing bowl, mix till soft and fluffy. Add eggs one by one. Add vanilla essence and last add flour little by little till nice and fluffy.Pour in the baking tray. For the buttercream mix all till silky and fluffy.
  2. Once the cake is baked, take a round cookie cutter, make round shape and add buttercream..

Perfect for birthdays, christenings, babyshowers and to accompany any cakes. Naked cakes, aka cakes with exposed layers, are all the rage. You have got to see this list of delectable naked wedding cakes. Red wine chocolate cake with berry mascarpone filling & decorated with fondant hearts! Tre ingredienti in un dolce speciale la mini naked cake ai mirtilli.