Recipe: Appetizing Watermelon Steam Cake (Bolu Kukus Semangka)

Watermelon Steam Cake (Bolu Kukus Semangka). Hai teman-teman kali ini aku mau share salah satu ide jualan bolu semangka. Kemudian tuang ke cetakan semangka yang telah dialasi dengan baking paper. Bolu kukus Mekar ini Uda ada di cookpad Chalistaa Kitchen dan banyak yg recook hasilnya selalu Mekar.

Watermelon Steam Cake (Bolu Kukus Semangka) Resep Membuat Bolu Kukus Gula Merah Santan Lembut. Indonesian Desserts, Indonesian Cuisine, Asian Desserts, Indonesian Kue bolu keju (Cheese cake). This is a classic Indonesian cake. You can cook Watermelon Steam Cake (Bolu Kukus Semangka) using 12 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Watermelon Steam Cake (Bolu Kukus Semangka)

  1. It’s of Ingredients A.
  2. It’s 225 gr of all purpose flour/cake flour.
  3. Prepare 175 gr of sugar (original recipe calls for 200 gr sugar).
  4. It’s 1/2 tsp of baking powder.
  5. You need 1/2 tbsp of ovalett/cake emulsifier.
  6. You need 2 of eggs (room temp).
  7. Prepare 25 gr of full cream milk powder.
  8. Prepare 150 ml of full fat fresh milk (room temp).
  9. It’s 1 tsp of vanila essence.
  10. It’s of Ingredients B.
  11. Prepare 2 tbsp of black sesame seeds.
  12. Prepare of Food coloring (red, green, black).

Light sponge cake spread with butter cream and grated cheddar. Langkah pertama ambil satu wadah adonan dan masukkan gula pasir dan telur ayamnya. kue bolu pisang kukus memiliki rasa yang lebih enak dan lembut. cara membuat bolu pisang cukup mudah bisa kita kreasikan sendiri. Kue Bolu Pisang adalah salah satu kue bolu yang banyak digemari. Aroma cake bolu pisang yang harum dengan tekstur kue.

Watermelon Steam Cake (Bolu Kukus Semangka) instructions

  1. Line your cupcake moulds with cupcake liner. This recipe makes about 11-12 cakes..
  2. Prepare and combine all ingredients A in a big bowl/mixing bowl. Set aside..
  3. Meanwhile prepare your steamer. Make sure the steamer is hot with lots of steam by the time you steam the cake and please cover the lid with clean kitchen towel to prevent any water dripping to the cake..
  4. Using your electric mixer, mix the ingredients A in low speed first to combine. After that, increase the speed to high and continue mixing for about 15 minutes. The batter will be very thick and white as the photo..
  5. Divide this batter to 3 portions (red, white, light green). Add food coloring as needed. Note: for dark green, I do it at the last step with remaining light green batter by mixing the light green batter with tiny drop of black coloring. I only have super black so mine turned very dark..
  6. The biggest batter will be for the red watermelon flesh. Add few drops of red food coloring and 2 tbsp of black sesame seeds to the red batter. White batter: without any food coloring. Green batter: add a drop of green coloring..
  7. Put green and white batter in piping bag.
  8. Fill in the cupcake mould with red batter first, about 3/4 of the height.
  9. Continue with thin layer of white..
  10. After white batter, continue with light green batter..
  11. Once you cover all the cake with light green batter, add a tiny drop of black coloring to the light green batter to make a dark green batter. Or you can add more green coloring too..
  12. Lastly, add dark green lines at the top of the cake. Use toothpick to create some zigzag pattern.
  13. Steam in high heat for 10-12 minutes. Please do not open the steamer lid to check your cake before 10-12 minutes. And finally, your steam cake will bloom beautifully 😄 and they are ready to serve!.

Cake Kukus Coklat, Cake Kukus Lembut, Cake Serba Kukus, Cara Dan Bahan Membuat Brownies, Harga Kue Brownis, Kek Coklat Brownies Kukus, Kue Bolu Coklat Kukus, Kue Bolu Kukus Lapis, Kue Bronies Kukus, Kue Bronis. Salah satu variasi cake bolu resep yang cukup terkenal adalah Resep Bolu Pisang Kukus. Resep Kue Bolu Pisang merupakan kue basah modern yang terbuat dari pisang dengan tekstur yang lembut. Kue bolu memiliki berbagai jenis bentuk dan rasa. Kue ini biasanya dibuat dengan cara dipanggang atau dikukus, kedua cara itu sama-sama memiliki rasa yang enak.