Recipe: Appetizing Steamed Milo Lava Cake

Steamed Milo Lava Cake. Everyone loves Milo or have drank it before. If you're a fan of Milo, this fuss-free Milo Lava Cake Recipe will be just the recipe for you! Steam #Milo Lava Cake/How To Make Milo Lava Cake with out Oven By kitchen with Fatima.

Steamed Milo Lava Cake As requested by Rhys Ting. the Milo Lava Cake. I told him that I will make this cake only when he finished his homeworks. Make sure that milo is dissolved. You can have Steamed Milo Lava Cake using 6 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Steamed Milo Lava Cake

  1. Prepare 3 tbsp of flour.
  2. It’s 4 tbsp of Milo.
  3. Prepare 2 tbsp of sugar.
  4. It’s 3 tbsp of butter, melted.
  5. It’s 1 of large egg.
  6. You need 1 tbsp of hot water.

Milo Cake Fluffy Eggs Steam Recipes Steamed Cake Powdered Milk Cupcake Recipes Asian Recipes Cooking Recipes Cupcakes. Buat nya gampang kok, yang susah menentukan waktu matang. Milo lava cake ini gampang banget, cara buatnya cuma dicampur dan diaduk-aduk aja. With the circuit breaker measures in place, why not try out this simple Milo steamed cake for a quick and yummy treat? #circuitbreaker #Singapore One of the food trends that has been appearing on social media platforms is the steamed Milo steamed cake that doesn't require you to be a pro in the.

Steamed Milo Lava Cake instructions

  1. Mix the egg and sugar until the sugar melts..
  2. Then add in the melted butter. Mix thoroughly..
  3. Dissolve the Milo in hot water water then add in to the sugar mixture. Combine again..
  4. Add the flour. Mix until evenly combined. Put into moulds..
  5. Steam in a preheated steamer for about 8 minutes..
  6. Serve while still warm..
  7. The cooking time might vary depends on your moulds..

Ia membagikan resep dan tutorial membuat lava cake dengan bubuk Milo yang dikukus. Video tersebut viral sampai ke Singapura dan diberitakan beberapa media Singapura. Video tersebut disukai lantaran bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat Lava Cake Milo Kukus ini terbilang sangat sederhana. LAVA MILO CAKE updated their profile picture. Dig into a rich and delicious Chocolate Molten Lava Cake and cue the ooey-gooey centers.