Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Double cream cake

Double cream cake.

Double cream cake You can have Double cream cake using 17 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Double cream cake

  1. Prepare of Batter:.
  2. It’s 5 of eggs.
  3. Prepare 250 grams of sugar.
  4. Prepare 250 grams of flour.
  5. You need 1 tablespoon of baking powder.
  6. You need 100 ml of water.
  7. You need 100 ml of oil.
  8. You need 30 grams of cocoa (or more if you like stronger taste).
  9. Prepare of Cream:.
  10. Prepare 750 ml of cream.
  11. Prepare 200 grams of sugar.
  12. It’s 3 of eggs.
  13. It’s of some vanilla extract.
  14. You need of few spoons of cocoa (more or less for colour).
  15. You need 3 bags of gelatine (one bag here is 9 grams).
  16. Prepare of Decoration:.
  17. Prepare of as you wish, use melted chocolate, cream..

Double cream cake instructions

  1. Mix together sugar, yolks, oil and water. Then add the baking powder and at the end whipped egg whites..
  2. Put the batter into well oiled round baking tray. Bake for around 30 mins at 180℃..
  3. For cream mix together the eggs, vanilla extract and sugar on a very low flame, until the mix gets big, creamy and light yellow in colour. Be carefull not to boil it!.
  4. Put the gellatine in water the way that is written on the pack. Then add it and mix it well with the egg mixture from step 3. Make sure that the added gellatine is in the liquid form (can melt it in the microwave if needed). Keep it to cool down..
  5. Whip the cream and mix it together with the mixture from step 4..
  6. Separate the cream in two bowls. Add some cocoa to one, so that you will get two coloured creams to fill your cake with..
  7. At the end you can decorate the cake however you want. With melted chocolate or maybe same as i did, with some coloured cream….