Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Whosayna’s Mocha Mousse Cake

Whosayna’s Mocha Mousse Cake. Line bottom only of pan with parchment or waxed paper. Be the first to review this recipe. This cake is over the top rich and decadent.

Whosayna’s Mocha Mousse Cake Shave a plain chocolate bar, if desired, with a vegetable peeler for garnish. This marbled hazelnut mocha mousse cake is perfect for any celebration. Carefully remove the cake from the tin and peel away the baking paper. You can cook Whosayna’s Mocha Mousse Cake using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Whosayna’s Mocha Mousse Cake

  1. You need 500 ml of Double Cream.
  2. It’s 3 of Eggs Whites.
  3. Prepare 4 tbsp of Castor Sugar.
  4. You need 1 tsp of Coffee Powder.
  5. It’s 1 tsp of Vanilla essence.
  6. You need 1 tbsp of Gelatine (soak in 3 tbsp hot water).
  7. Prepare of Chocolate Cake for Base.
  8. You need 1/2 cup of Expresso Coffee (black coffee).

Smooth the sides with a warm palette knife and spread the sides lightly with cream to create a swirled effect. Break up the chocolate and gently melt it with the butter and muscovado sugar in a large mixing bowl set over a pan containing a little. Mocha Mousse Cake recipe – How to make Mocha Mousse Cake. You can also use readymade Muesli instead of crushed cornflakes and nuts for the above recipe.

Whosayna’s Mocha Mousse Cake instructions

  1. Beat cream with beater till it forms peaks remove in a bowl and keep in freezer…. rinse the beater bowl put egg whites and beat till peaks are formed, add vanilla essence…. fold in beaten cream, gelatine mixture and castor sugar……
  2. Remove 1/4 of the vanilla cream mixture in a separate bowl, and keep this in freezer…. To the other cream add coffee powder and mix well… Take a medium sized casserole put 1” length choc cake slices all over the base, till full base is covered….

Serving Suggestion : This mousse cake is best served with a cherry or strawberry sauce as shown in the above picture. To serve, unmold spring-form, leaving waxed paper on sides of cake. Use palette knife to loosen cake from bottom of pan; place cake on serving dish. Layer this mocha mousse between two sheets of chocolate sponge cake and it will tempt even the most steadfast dieter. You can make this a day in advance or you can make the mousse cakes and keep them frozen for up to two weeks in an air tight container.