Recipe: Tasty Easy Ice Cream Cake

Easy Ice Cream Cake. So you'll use a little more than half of the container for each ice cream layer. Keywords: ice cream cake, easy ice cream cake. Tag @sallysbakeblog on Instagram and hashtag it #sallysbakingaddiction.

Easy Ice Cream Cake I can never figure out keeping dry and wet ingredients separate and then when to stir in the sugar My family raves about this Easy Ice cream Cake Recipe. Now, when I say easy I mean it is REALLY easy. This easy Ice Cream Cake is the perfect summer dessert! You can cook Easy Ice Cream Cake using 5 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Easy Ice Cream Cake

  1. It’s 1 of Full box of chocolate zingers, unwapped.
  2. You need 2 cup of Ice cream (I used mint chocolate chip).
  3. You need 12 of Oreo cookies crushed, and divided.
  4. It’s 2 cup of Whipped topping.
  5. It’s 1/2 tsp of Mint extract, optional( if you're using a different kind of ice cream omit this).

Loads of ice cream sits atop a fudgy brownie bottom and is piled high with hot fudge, salted caramel and whipping cream – so good! Then I popped that in the freezer and we enjoyed a delicious ice cream birthday cake that evening. It doesn't get much easier than that folks! With both chocolate and vanilla ice cream, that crunchy fudge layer, and tons frozen whipped cream, this easy Ice Cream Cake tastes JUST like Dairy Queen!

Easy Ice Cream Cake instructions

  1. Line a loaf pan with plastic wrap.
  2. Place 6 Zingers at the bottom of the pan frosting side up.
  3. Top with ice cream, then half of the cookie crumbs.
  4. Place 6 more Zingers on top of that and press down.
  5. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for at least 3 hours.
  6. Mix whipped topping and mint extract.
  7. An hour before serving remove from freezer and invert onto serving plate. Frost top and sides with whipped cream, then the rest of the crushed cookies return to freezer until ready to serve.

I once used a Dairy Queen cake as a tool in courtship. I had been dating my husband for a month or so, and he indicated an interest in making. Sprinkle the top of the cake with the chopped chocolate chips. Campfire Ice Cream Cake (shown above): This "camp at home" cake is reminiscent of s'mores with layers of brownie, ice cream, toasted marshmallow and hot fudge. Banana Split Ice Cream Cake: This one is a pretty impressive take on the flavors involved in a classic "banana split." Ice Cream Cake Recipe.