How to Prepare Appetizing Chococake in a glass! Or well known "chocotorta" argentina cake

Chococake in a glass! Or well known "chocotorta" argentina cake. Translated as chocolate cake, this no-bake Argentinian dessert was influenced by Italian cuisine and modeled on the famous Italian tiramisu. Type the name of the city or region where you want to eat Chocotorta. Where to eat the best Chocotorta in the world.

Chococake in a glass! Or well known "chocotorta" argentina cake We love it and I know you will too! I've been wanting to post about this chocotorta recipe forever, which is not much since I started blogging five months ago. Locals describe chocotorta as 'a cake that you cannot possibly get wrong.' This claim to fame has made it a staple of those who cannot afford to This adaptable cake requires no baking and can be made in a pinch. You can cook Chococake in a glass! Or well known "chocotorta" argentina cake using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Chococake in a glass! Or well known "chocotorta" argentina cake

  1. It’s 1 pack of chocolate cookies.
  2. You need of Caramel or dulce de leche.
  3. It’s of Soft cream cheese.
  4. Prepare of White chocolate chips.

Recommended for afternoon tea with a submarino. Ahora también podes hacer chocotorta con Choco Cake, aparte de las Minitapitas. When one of your best friends is watching YOI and trying to piss you off by writing OtaVek and such but then she tells you she bought everything she needs to make you a cake for your birthday. New film spot for Casancrem, Argentina.

Chococake in a glass! Or well known "chocotorta" argentina cake instructions

  1. First crush the cookies.
  2. Then mix the caramel or dulce de leche with the cream cheese. If you can't find dulce de leche, but the caramel candies and melt them..
  3. And now we will do the layers. First the crushed cookies, then the chocolate chips, the caramel mixture, more cookies, more caramel, more cookies and your favorite decoration.

Literally translated to mean "chocolate cake", chocotorta is a multilayer cake where store-bought chocolate cookies are soaked in coffee (or Kahlua for a drunken version), and topped with a dulce de leche-cream cheese filling. Best Chocotorta in Buenos Aires Chocotorta. This chocolatey Argentine dessert is layered with cookies, cream cheese and dulce de leche — need we say more? Pour the mixture on the cake. About Press Advertise Careers Contact Privacy Terms Accessibility.