Recipe: Delicious Irish creame pound cake

Irish creame pound cake. I didn't catch any hint of Irish cream except through the glaze. The texture of the cake was a little more akin to pound cake, in my opinion. This pound cake has the delicious flavor of Baileys in every bite!

Irish creame pound cake Chocolate Chip Irish Cream Pound Cake. Category Finalist, Desserts. "This cake is even better on the second day." – -Anna Ginsberg, Austin, TX. We made our Irish Cream Pound Cake recipe in a loaf pan for smaller portions and and used a lot less quantity of the main ingredients while still keeping that full-bodied pound cake flavor thanks to the rich taste of Kerrygold grass-fed Unsalted Butter. You can have Irish creame pound cake using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Irish creame pound cake

  1. Prepare 3 cup of Sifted flour.
  2. You need 3 cup of sifted sugar.
  3. It’s 3 stick of butter.
  4. You need 6 each of eggs.
  5. Prepare 1 tbsp of vanilla or lemon extract.
  6. It’s 3/4 cup of Omaras Irish Creame.

My pound cake is always dry. The pound cake is dense, moist and velvety. You can taste the Irish cream, though it is very subtle. The glaze also has Irish cream and eaten together, you can really taste the Irish cream in the cake.

Irish creame pound cake instructions

  1. preheat oven to 325°-350°.
  2. soften butter with mixer then blend sugar in..
  3. mix four in one cup at a time.
  4. mix eggs in one at a time.
  5. add vanilla or lemon extract whichever one you desire..
  6. add your Omaras Irish Creame blend well..
  7. butter your bundt pan and flour then spoon your mix into pan..
  8. Bake 45 minutes or until golden brown..

I might tinker with this recipe a little before my final version but I was pretty happy with how this one. Make Irish cream pound cake from a great recipe with help from a distinguished culinary professional in this free video clip. Expert: Tudi Wilson Filmmaker: Ranson Kennedy. Series Description: You'd be surprised by just how versatile a treat the pound cake really is. It was a category finalist (desserts) and was submitted by Anna Ginsberg of Austin, TX.